In English

Me and myself

The basic stuff; shoesize, haircolor, current location, etc.

Curriculum Vitae

If you want to pay me money in return for me pretending that I'm doing something useful, this is where to start.

A quick Q&A

The questions remaining on your mind, based on a user survey and with the help of my IP aura reading.

About this website

The boring geek stuff, talk about older versions, coding and such. Not for the faint of heart.

Á íslensku

Um sjálfan mig

Uppruni eintaksins, allra handa óþarfa upplýsingar.


Ég er í fullu námi sem stendur, en hef alltaf áhuga á spennandi aukaverkefnum. Auk þess er ég opinn fyrir hugmyndum að rannsóknarverkefnum og hugsanlegum framtíðarstörfum.

Um vefinn minn

Sögulegt yfirlit, tæknilegt þvaður og önnur þaðan af verri ósköp.

This is where the stalker feast really begins. The lowdown on me, my website and all the details that nobody cares about - but I still think are interesting.

Allra handa upplsingar um mna persnu og ennan vef. Sitt lti af hverju, en eflaust of miki fyrir suma.